¶ Building blocks for quantifying uncertainties in geological models
According to the Site Selection Act (StandAG), the analysis of uncertainties in the geological description of areas is an important aspect of the search and selection of a site for a repository for high-level radioactive waste. Due to the complexity of the geology and an often quantitatively and qualitatively heterogeneous data situation - geological-geometric prognoses exhibit various uncertainties. These can be roughly divided into measurement uncertainties and geometric uncertainties. The latter also include uncertainties based on the experience of the interpreting geologist.
The objective of GeoBlocks project is to scientifically illuminate uncertainties in geological models from different angles and to derive concrete methods that allow for the quantification and communication of geological uncertainties. The following scientific goals are pursued:
Creation of a workflow for geological modelling with a quantification of uncertainties
Systematic analysis of uncertainties in the geological and geophysical input data used
Quantitative description of the spatial variability of host rocks
Development of methods for the comparability of regions with different data situation
Approaches for the reduction of uncertainties through intelligent sampling strategies
These aspects will be tested on representative geological models of the three host rocks (rock salt, clay rock and crystalline rock) and integrated into the developed workflow. By means of a probabilistic approach, further statements on characterisability and predictability will be possible.
The comprehensive goal of the project is to enable a quantification of uncertainties of the geological models in all further steps of the site search, from the analysis of regions to the characterisation of sites and for further use in simulations for safety analysis, as well as for communication with decision makers and the public.
In accordance with the aforementioned scientific goals, the project is divided into the following sub-projects based on the current state of research:
The project structure and the networking of the work packages
The overall goal of this project network is to create an integrated scientific workflow for quantifying and minimising uncertainties in geological models (see Figure 1, WP 1). All results of the other subprojects will be integrated.
The creation of test data sets from geological analogue models with high data density and model quality (WP 2), whereby the data density is gradually reduced. Accordingly, the geometric uncertainty will gradually increase.
A systematic analysis of the input data in terms of uncertainties and interpretations, categorised by available data types and host rocks for further use in the workflow (WP 3).
The implementation of common and novel modelling methods to evaluate robustness and comparability of the modelling steps (WP 4) and, if necessary, to provide quantified recommendations on the methods to be used in a host-specific manner.
The creation of model ensembles from the test data sets for the systematic analysis of the predicted uncertainties regarding existing input data and host rocks.
The development of strategies to reduce quantified uncertainties through targeted sampling to scientifically support the planning of follow-up work in the site selection process (WP 6).
Since the StandAG stipulates that the geological barrier is the main protection against the release of radionuclides into the biosphere, geological models are decisive for all safety investigations. For all necessary modelling, the geological models, including uncertainty considerations, will form the geometric as well as parametric basis, i.e. they are the starting point. For this reason, it is essential to quantify the distribution of rocks and their properties together with the uncertainties, which is the goal of GeoBlocks.
The project is currently building a catalogue of most-expected geological models for site storage, and researching and developing interpolation and uncertainty quantification methods.
Yang J., Colombo C., Carl F., Gonzalez de Lucio G. de los A., Achtziger P., Kukla P. and Wellmann F., “Intelligent interpolation strategies in geological modelling for safe storage sites: comparison and uncertainty approach”, RING Meeting, 2023. Poster.
Carl F., Gonzalez de Lucio G. de los A., Yang J., Achtziger P., Kukla P. A., Bense F. and Wellmann F., "Host rock analysis for the German nuclear waste disposal site-selection: review of subsurface geometries and input data for geological modelling", RING Meeting, 2023. Poster.
Yang J., Colombo C., Carl F., Gonzalez de Lucio G. de los A., Achtziger P., Kukla P. and Wellmann F., “GeoBlocks: Building Blocks for Model Creation and Uncertainty Analysis”, GeoTag, RWTH, 2023. Poster.
Colombo C. and Wellmann F., “Implicit Modelling with GemPy and Spatial Uncertainty Reduction of Potential Nuclear Waste Storage Sites”, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG), 2023. Oral presentation.