¶ Final URS Meeting in PotsdamWe are excited to announce that the final URS meeting will take place in Potsdam, Germany, from February 5th to 7th, 2025, at the Kongress Hotel. This meeting will serve as a vital platform for:
A detailed program will be shared closer to the event. ¶ Highlights of the EventTo make this event even more engaging, we have planned:
We look forward to seeing you in Potsdam for this memorable and impactful gathering. |
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¶ URS at the EGU General Assembly 2025We are thrilled to announce that the next EGU General Assembly will take place in Vienna, Austria, from April 27 to May 2, 2025. This event promises to bring together leading minds in geosciences, and just like last year, URS will have a prominent presence—not only as contributors but also as conveners for key sessions. ¶ Relevant Sessions:
¶ Call for Abstract SubmissionsWe invite researchers to submit abstracts for these sessions and beyond. Don’t miss the chance to showcase your work at this prestigious event! Submission Deadline:️ 15th January 2025 - 13:00 CET Let’s make this another impactful year for URS at EGU! For more details on the sessions and to submit your abstract, visit the official EGU General Assembly website. |
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¶ Workshop on Reliability-Based Design in GeotechnicsOn November 19 and 20, 2024, BAM and DGGT AK 2.15 "Reliability-Based Methods in Geotechnics," in collaboration with the DGGT Academy, will hold a two-day workshop introducing reliability-based design. On the first day, a short course will cover the fundamentals of reliability analysis in geotechnics, providing participants the opportunity to work independently on tasks using appropriate software on PCs, under guidance. Participation in this short course is limited to a specific number of people. The second day will feature presentations on the different safety and design philosophies based on the traditional partial safety factor concept and the reliability-based concept. Various applications of reliability-based methods from engineering practice and research will also be presented. More details on the program and application can be found here and on the BAM-website. |
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¶ 4th PhD Workshop in AachenWe are excited to share the successful completion of our recent PhD Workshop held in Aachen from June 12th to 14th. This event brought together PhD students from the URS research cluster to present their current research, discuss preliminary results, and outline their planned publications. The workshop was an invaluable platform for these young researchers to communicate, share expertise, and collaborate. Attendees showcased the innovative tools and methods they have developed, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas and strategies to support each other’s work. On the final day, participants enjoyed a field trip to the HADES underground rock laboratory in Mol, Belgium. During this visit, local experts gave an informative presentation on Belgium's nuclear waste disposal policy, followed by a guided tour of the underground facility. Here, attendees observed the cutting-edge experiments conducted by EURIDICE, gaining valuable insights into ongoing research in nuclear waste management. A summary of what happened during the event and a list of available presentation can be found here. |
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¶ URS presence in the 4th Standorttage and EGU 2024 general assemblyThe URS Research Cluster is proud to announce the active participation of its members in two prominent conferences this year: the EGU General Assembly and the Site Selection Day. These conferences are significant platforms for presenting cutting-edge research and fostering international collaboration in the fields of geosciences and environmental science. Read more about the scope of these conferences and the contribution of our members here. |
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¶ 3rd PhD Workshop in LeipzigWe are pleased to announce the successful completion of our recent PhD Workshop held in Leipzig on October 23rd and 24th, 2023. PhD students from the URS research cluster presented their current research, focusing on developed methods and tools, early results, and relevant findings. The workshop served as a platform for expertise sharing and constructive discussion, promoting collaboration among the cluster projects. The first day featured a scientific writing workshop, providing essential guidance to PhD candidates for their obligatory writing tasks. An icebreaking dinner, generously funded by BGE, was held in the evening, offering a relaxed setting for participants to network and build connections. The second day was dedicated to presentations. Each PhD student recapped their research targets, discussed methods and tools developed, and highlighted early results, facilitating in-depth discussions. A detailed program and all available presentations can be found here. |
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¶ First URS Retreat in Annweiler am TrifelsAs the initial stages of the URS-projects have been established, BGE called for a milestone meeting in the form the First URS Retreat among the URS members. The 3-day event took place in Annweiler am Trifels between the 17th - 19th of April, 2023. With over 30 participants from the project partners, BGE staff and other invited experts, the retreat included both progress reports and extensive discussion about project specific materials and possible future collaborations. The retreat concluded with an organized visit to the Kuhn Quarry near Waldhambach, guided by experts from Vulcan Energy Subsurface Solutions GmbH. A summary of what happened during the event and a list of available presentation can be found here. |
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¶ 2nd PhD Workshop in KasselWe are excited to announce the successful completion of our recent PhD Workshop held in Kassel on March 16th and 17th, 2023. The presenters provided detailed introductions to their research projects, highlighting early-stage model and method developments and the tools they plan to use. The workshop served as a platform for expertise sharing and constructive discussion, promoting collaboration among the cluster projects. As an icebreaking event on the first afternoon, a laser tag activity was organized, followed by a dinner generously funded by BGE. These activities offered a relaxed setting for participants to network and build connections. Detailed information about the event and all available presentation can be found here. |
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¶ What happended in September? A short summary of the URS PhD Workshop and the OGS Community MeetingTwo interesting event took place in September that is worth bringing to attention:
A short summary on what happened on these two events can be found here. |
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¶ Call for registration: The 1st URS PhD Workshop in HannoverWe are happy to announce that the 1st URS PhD Workshop will take place in Hannover from 8th - 9th of September. The workshop plans to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and constructive discussions about the interesting contribution of the URS PhD-researchers, and to create an important instrument for the promotion of junior researchers. The two-day event will deal with the specific research topics of the PhD-candidates (Day 1) and will introduce methods and tools used to address the respective research problems (Day 2). Detailed description of the workshop (program, location and other important information) can be found here. We cordially invite everyone to register here. We are looking forward to meeting you! |
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¶ An eventful May and June - Summary of past conferences and the Site Selection DayThis late spring and early summer have been busy for the scientists with exciting conferences and meetings covering topics related to nuclear waste repository research. At the end of May, the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union took place in Vienna, followed by the Site Selection Days organized by BGE held in Aachen, and in a few days after, the 8th International Conference on Clays happened in Nancy. We invite you to read a short summary here with a collection of links to the detailed programs and presentation download sites, in case you missed your chance on attending any of these events! |
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